Saturday, April 2, 2011

100% Unguaranteed Anti-Block #4

So how do we clear the forest from the trees of your writing? Today, some cheap tricks.

Its a beautiful day, you should be writing more of your novel, but you're blocked.

Try this.

Take a good chunk, say 15 pages or so. Ideally, this is something you DIDN'T write recently and haven't read in a while.

Cut and paste this chunk into a three new documents. Open the first document. Take a deep breath, go through and cut out every other page. It'll take you less than thirty seconds.

In the second document, cut out every other paragraph. This will take longer, maybe 3 minutes.

In document three, cut out every other sentence. Its sounds tedious because it is, but it'll take less than ten minutes. Your writing is worth that, right?

Close the files and let them cook for a week or so. No peeking at the original chunk during this time. Now open the first of the files. Fill in the missing bits from memory if, and only if, you need them to maintain the integrity of the story.

Repeat with the other two files.

Prepare to be amazed. And yes, I plan to patent this technique.

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